What is io.js?

io.js is a JavaScript platform built on Chrome's V8 runtime. This project began as a fork of Joyent's Node.js™ and is compatible with the npm ecosystem.


io.js aims to provide faster and predictable release cycles. It currently merges in the latest language, API and performance improvements to V8 while also updating libuv and other base libraries.

This project aims to continue development of io.js under an "open governance model" as opposed to corporate stewardship.

Version 1.0.x?

io.js has moved to Semver and the changes between Node.js™ 0.10 and io.js 1.0.0 were significant enough to warrant a major version increment.

Our CHANGELOG for v1.x provides a summary of changes from Node.js v0.10.35 to io.js v1.0.x.

How can I contribute?

Everyone can help. io.js adheres to a code of conduct, and contributions, releases, and contributorship are under an open governance model.

To get started, there are open discussions on GitHub, and we'd love to hear your feedback. Becoming involved in discussions is a good way to get a feel of where you can help out further. If there is something there you feel you can tackle, please make a pull request.

In addition, using Nodebug.me is a good way to help Triage the issues in the backlog.

Where do discussions take place?

There is an #io.js channel on Freenode IRC. We keep logs of the channel here.

What is open source governance?

Open source governance advocates the application of the philosophies of the open source and open content movements in order to enable any interested party to add to the creation of the end product, as with a wiki document. Legislation is democratically opened to the general citizenry, employing their collective wisdom to benefit the decision-making process and improve democracy. [source]